Wildlife blog
Wildlife blog Wildlife blog

Are you catching and releasing properly?

It's been close to 30 years since I took on my first educational campaign as a new Regional Outreach Manager for the DWR. The day after I moved into an apartment in Vernal, I took a walk along the Green River below Flaming Gorge Dam.

There's gold in the Uintas!

One of my passions is fly fishing for all western trout species. If you ask my wife Debbi, she would likely call it an obsession. Anyway, I prefer to call it a passion. Along with the native cutthroat trout in the west, I love fishing for golden trout.

Trout vs. chub

Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (DWR) and Utah State University (USU) are working together to determine the effect that the Utah chub has on trout populations on Scofield.

Stay Low. Stay Still. Survive.

The mulie bounded across the road in front of us. Powerful leg muscles flexed under her summer coat, propelling her through effortless 20-foot arcs. Five heads swiveled to watch the deer, some of them lurching from reclined positions of slumber.

Tagging toads at night

Like many amphibian populations worldwide, boreal toad numbers have declined. Because of these declines, the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, conducted extensive surveys between 1995 and 2003 to help determine our state's current distribution of the toad.

The best turkey hunt ever

When we moved to Cedar City seven years ago, I found myself working in an office full of avid turkey hunters. Their enthusiasm for the sport was so infectious, it wasn’t difficult to talk me into giving it a try.

How do I catch those burbot?

A night's worth of burbot and lake trout I get asked the question a lot this time of year: "How do I catch those burbot?"

Don't toss your tree: Help local wildlife

Bird feeding in a tree DWR's conservation outreach section chief tells about several ways your old Christmas tree can provide shelter for wild animals.

Deer: To feed, or not to feed.

A herd of deer on a range Every winter, deer face a crisis. This annual event is the single most deadly thing a deer faces during its life, deadlier than coyotes, cougars and even motor vehicles. As a biologist, it's my main focus when trying to grow deer herds in my district.
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