Utah wildlife recipes
Wildlife recipes Wildlife recipes

Wild game Wellington

Baked pronghorn Wellington, a dish of seared backstrap meat coated with a layer of duxelles and wrapped in a pastry crust, presented on a festive plate I recently shared a pronghorn backstrap with Pastry Chef Shirley Butler Bordas, which she used to prepare a scrumptious wild game Wellington for Sunday night supper with friends.

Golden whitefish caviar

Small pancakes topped with golden whitefish caviar and sour cream If you catch a female Bonneville whitefish full of eggs, consider yourself lucky, as the mild-tasting roe makes a beautiful golden caviar with little effort.

Crispy oven-fried catfish nuggets

Plate of crispy oven-fried catfish nuggets with cooked vegetables and tartar sauce While deep frying catfish is one of the most popular ways to prepare it, the process itself can be messy. By using your oven or air fryer, you can get similarly tasty results without the grease splatters and lingering aromas of traditional frying methods.

Smoked trout rillettes

Smoked trout rillettes served with a piece of radish on a cracker Often made with wild game, pork or duck, rillettes (pronounced "ree-yet") may sound fancy, but they're essentially a butter- or fat-based spread similar to pâté.
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