Wildlife blog
Wildlife blog Wildlife blog

Anglers, please keep small lake trout at Flaming Gorge

Angler holding a large lake trout at Flaming GorgeIt's the end of December, the mercury is plummeting and ice is rapidly forming on Flaming Gorge Reservoir. Fortunately, ice fishing is a very efficient method to catch small lake trout, often called "pups."

Ten gift ideas for anglers

Are you in search of Christmas gifts for your favorite angler? We can help! We asked a whole bunch of avid anglers around here what they could never have enough of, and these are the top picks.

So you want to be a wildlife biologist?

Do you love wildlife watching, hunting or fishing? If so, you're not alone. You've probably even wondered how you could earn a living working with wildlife.

Why I prefer hunting over store-bought meat

Where does food come from? A very simple question with a simple answer; most would consider this a silly question. I often think of the joke that meat comes pre-wrapped from a grocery store or in a sack in the form of a burger or nugget.

National Bison Day means more in Utah

When Dr. William Goetzman introduced a starter herd of 18 bison into southeastern Utah's San Rafael Desert in 1941, it's unlikely he understood the impact his effort would have generations later.

Practiced in the art of deception

Aside from humans, I'm unaware of another species with more potential to transform the landscape around them than beavers. A wide variety of wildlife species, as well as humans, are drawn to the rich and dynamic wildlife habitats created by beavers.

Bear cubs head back to the wild

Many bear cubs are orphaned each year in Utah. Some lose their mothers to forest fires, while others are orphaned by vehicle-bear collisions or other human-related conflicts.

Roping deer from ponds: just another day at work

Here's a story about teamwork to save a deer that attempted to get a drink in a lined pond, and ended up stuck. Last week, I received a call from our new Landowner Specialist, Mike Wardle, asking if I could help him get a deer out of a pond.

Ptarmigan genetics in the Uintas and beyond

Prior to 1974, there had been occasional reports of ptarmigan in the Uinta Mountains; however, Division biologists were unable to confirm the sightings or locate resident ptarmigan in the Uintas, despite what appeared to be abundant habitat.

Highway wildlife crossings

The State of Utah has done some remarkable work in addressing wildlife needs along Utah's roadways, especially during the past decade. The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (DWR) is working alongside the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) to identify critical hotspots throughout the state where wildlife mitigation features are needed.

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