Wildlife blog
Wildlife blog Wildlife blog

Give the gift of outdoor adventure

A family viewing elk at Hardware Ranch If you're in search of Christmas gifts for the outdoor adventurers in your life, here's an idea: Skip the stuff and give the gift of an experience instead.

Getting to know your garden looters

Two gardensnails on a brick wall Under the cover of darkness and a misty rain, the army emerges and begins its slow, steady march toward the garden oasis.

Channeling my inner Hobbit

Scott holding a forest grouse My favorite reason for hunting forest grouse (also called dusky and ruffed grouse) is because I absolutely love hiking through their majestic, forested home.

When wildlife wanders into your neighborhood

Cougar hiding in a tree Over the past year, you've probably seen a news story or social media post that showed the DWR relocating bears, cougars or moose that wandered into neighborhoods. We live in Utah, which has a lot of wildlife — and a growing human population — so this happens from time to time.

A different kind of dream hunt

My hunting trip this fall was one I'd looked forward to for much of my adult life. But it took some unusual turns and involved a lot more water than expected — especially for a pronghorn hunt.

Better habitat, more birds

Over the years, I've developed a few rules to live by. One of those rules is that I won't ask someone to do something that I'm not willing to try myself. That's why I've completed each of the Upland Game Slams that's been offered. It's one of my fall traditions — and best of all, I know the money I put into the slam is going toward hands-on projects that benefit wildlife and other hunters!

Where to see Utah's spawning kokanee salmon

I try to get my family outdoors every weekend, and fall is one of our favorite times to go exploring. In recent years, we've made it a tradition to watch Utah's kokanee salmon as they run up the rivers to lay their eggs. In the past, we've enjoyed kokanee-watching at Strawberry and Sheep Creek, but I haven't quite decided where we'll go this year. Fortunately, there are a lot of great options!

Keep your hot fishing streak alive

I'm an avid angler, but I'm also an old baseball player, and all baseball players are a little superstitious about keeping a hot streak going. Fishing is much the same. I have had success over the years and always kept track of what worked and what didn't. I've changed my fishing behavior to match those most successful times and have even convinced the folks who fish with me.

Rebuilding Pelican Lake for future generations

As a kid, Pelican Lake was the most fun place you could fish in the whole world. I vividly remember days of catching so many bluegill and bass that my thumb was raw from taking them off the hook. Now, as a regional fisheries biologist in my hometown, it's my job to restore this fishery to its past glory.

New officer, big case

I was ready to call it a day after hours of checking anglers on Strawberry Reservoir. I had officially been patrolling for three weeks, and I was learning my way around the reservoir. Just as we packed in all of our gear, a call came over the radio.
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