Many bear cubs are orphaned each year in Utah. Some lose their mothers to forest fires, while others are orphaned by vehicle-bear collisions or other human-related conflicts.
Here's a story about teamwork to save a deer that attempted to get a drink in a lined pond, and ended up stuck. Last week, I received a call from our new Landowner Specialist, Mike Wardle, asking if I could help him get a deer out of a pond.
Prior to 1974, there had been occasional reports of ptarmigan in the Uinta Mountains; however, Division biologists were unable to confirm the sightings or locate resident ptarmigan in the Uintas, despite what appeared to be abundant habitat.
The State of Utah has done some remarkable work in addressing wildlife needs along Utah's roadways, especially during the past decade. The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (DWR) is working alongside the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) to identify critical hotspots throughout the state where wildlife mitigation features are needed.
I remember during summer break in high school, my friends excitedly talking about the upcoming archery deer hunt. They made it sound like a special event and it piqued my interest. They were kind enough to invite me along on their hunt, help me learn how to shoot a bow and teach me the many facets of archery.
Anglers spend 1.5 million hours a year on Strawberry Reservoir, one of Utah's most popular fishing spots. Anglers are not the only ones attracted by the fish; the reservoir has become a favorite fishing spot for American white pelicans. In the spring, flocks of up to 500 birds can be seen gathering at the reservoir's tributaries.
As a cutthroat trout biologist for the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (DWR), a big part of my job is balancing conservation of our native trout species with providing an excellent sport fishery for our anglers.
Our airboat pilot spied a goose and swerved, accelerating over the water towards the lone bird. As we approached, the goose honked in surprise – or possibly avian outrage – and slipped underwater in an attempt to escape. Leaning over the bow of the airboat, I was able to pluck the bird from the water. He joined his fellow geese in a wooden containment crate strapped to the boat.
Wipers are a sterile cross between striped bass and white bass and were first introduced to Utah in the early 1990s. The current state record is more than 11 pounds and was caught in New Castle Reservoir in 2015. Besides being fun to catch and great to eat, wipers have become an important management tool for the DWR.
Wood ducks are one of only a few waterfowl species that nest above ground in tree cavities. Wood ducks are very common in the eastern half of the county, but because Utah has limited woodland habitat near wetlands, they are considered uncommon in our state.