Officers on patrol
Officers on patrol Officers on patrol

Officers on patrol

DNR law enforcement officers work to protect Utah's wildlife

The dispatches below are a fraction of our ongoing efforts to protect your wildlife. If you have information on illegal wildlife-related activities, please let us know. Our success depends on the help of ethical hunters, like yourself.

8 deer shot, left to waste in multiple locations in Wayne County

Utah Division of Wildlife Resources conservation officers are seeking information from the public after multiple deer were illegally shot and left to waste in agricultural fields in Wayne County.

Reward offered: 6 bull elk poached in Park City area

Between Dec. 20, 2019 and Jan. 15, 2020, six mature bull elk were shot and killed in the Knob Hill area of Park City.

Geese illegally killed and dumped in Uintah County

In early February 2020, conservation officers with the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources responded to a report of goose carcasses dumped south of the Ballard City Office in Uintah County.

Preliminary hearing scheduled for man in connection with trophy deer poaching case

A preliminary hearing has been scheduled for a Washington County man in connection with the 2019 poaching of a trophy buck deer in Iron County.

Large 6×7 buck deer poached in Millard County

DWR conservation officers are investigating the illegal killing and waste of a mature 6×7 buck deer. The deer was found east of Holden, in the Maple Hollow area of Millard County.

150 gallons of used oil illegally dumped on wildlife management area

On Nov. 8, 2019, a concerned citizen reported finding 150 gallons of used oil that had been illegally dumped on the Wildcat Wildlife Management Area (WMA). The oil was primarily contained in 20 5-gallon buckets and one 50-gallon drum, although some residue had also leaked onto the ground.

Quick links
Wildlife Blog: Views from DWR employees
» Wildlife Blog
Report poachers — 1-800-662-3337
» Report poachers
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