Officers on patrol
Officers on patrol Officers on patrol

Officers on patrol

DWR conservation officers work to protect Utah's wildlife.

The dispatches below are a fraction of our ongoing efforts to protect your wildlife. If you have information on illegal wildlife-related activities, please let us know. Our success depends on the help of ethical hunters, like yourself.

DWR conservation officers highlight the most common wildlife violations in Utah

The deer you shot on public land ran onto private property and then died. You shot and killed what you thought was a spike elk, only to discover that it was actually a cow elk. You just finished filleting the six rainbow trout you caught before realizing the catch limit at the reservoir was four. Before you find yourself in any of these scenarios, learn what Utah Division of Wildlife Resources conservation officers want you to know.

173 wildlife illegally killed since Aug. 1; Here's how to help fight poaching in Utah

Several hunting seasons are in full swing, and Utah's general-season rifle deer hunt — arguably the state's most popular hunt — starts Oct. 21. Utah Division of Wildlife Resources conservation officers are hard at work patrolling the state to protect wildlife and to make sure hunters are obeying the laws.

Quick links
Wildlife Blog: Views from DWR employees
» Wildlife Blog
Report poachers — 1-800-662-3337
» Report poachers
Wildlife dates
» Important dates
Hunter, angler mobile app
Hunter Education: Sign up for classes
» Hunter education
The Natural Resources Map & Bookstore: discover hands-on resources
» DNR Map & Bookstore