Volunteer at Lee Kay Public Shooting Center
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Volunteer at Lee Kay Public Shooting Range

Apply now to our volunteering program

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Volunteering at the Lee Kay Public Shooting Range can be an extremely rewarding experience with a wide variety of opportunities. Volunteering involves working with adults, youth and special interest groups to help ensure a fun and safe experience.

Our volunteers are extremely important to the LKPSR facility; without them, the facility would not function but the role also comes with some important conditions and responsibilities. If you have any questions about any aspect of your volunteer service, please feel free to ask the LKPSR management.

Screening Process

Screening potential volunteers is essential to maintaining the high standards of the LKPSR. This page gives an outline of the process. Management will interview each volunteer applicant. Selection criteria include but are not limited to:

  • Positive outlook and favorable attitude towards the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources and the LKPSR
  • Willingness to have, and successful completion of, a background check through the National Crime Identification System
  • Willingness to serve at least the minimum required hours for a volunteer
  • Willingness to be flexible in the duties asked of the volunteer

Once an applicant has been approved by management, and the criminal background check has been successfully completed per Utah Department of Natural Resources policies, management will contact the applicant to schedule the start of the training process.

Probationary Period

The probationary period is the first 24 hours of service from the time of a volunteer's start date. Volunteers are responsible for completing the initial volunteer training prior to beginning the probationary period.

Volunteer Knowledge and Behavior Expectations
  1. Volunteers must be friendly, tactful, polite and considerate. Most people respond favorably to kind and courteous treatment. Remember, we want the public to visit and support our range.
  2. Volunteers must wear their official uniform (orange safety vest & ID badge) when performing assigned duties or as noted.
  3. Upon completion of the initial volunteer training, volunteers should have good knowledge of range safety and have a willingness to learn more about firearms/archery equipment, ammunition, marksmanship and hunting laws and be able to answer questions or direct the public to sources of information.
  4. Complete a minimum of 24 hours of service every 3 months (8 hours each month is preferred).
  5. Do not bring children or pets to the range while on duty.
  6. Do not use tobacco or nicotine vaporizers while on the line or in view of the public.
  7. Follow our procedures for emergencies and other unexpected or unusual situations.
  8. Willingness to be flexible of the duties one is asked to perform as a volunteer at the range.

Go to volunteer application

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