Wildlife blog
Wildlife blog Wildlife blog

The Amazing Trace: protecting wildlife by using technology

Herd of bighorn sheep; the sheep in front is wearing a GPS tracking collar around its neck With the nearly real-time information provided by geofencing technology, we're able to identify barriers to wildlife migration, monitor access to food resources, track and mitigate disease transmission, investigate causes of death and more.

How old is that fish?

Cross-section of the spine of a five-year-old catfish at Willard Bay Reservoir Have you ever wondered how long it took to grow that big fish you just caught? You're not alone. Fishery biologists are very interested in answering that question too, and we do a lot of work behind the scenes to find the answer.

An East Canyon excursion

Overlooking East Canyon Reservoir, with boaters and anglers in the water There's a ton of fun to be had in northern Utah, both in the beautiful outdoors and in the region's bustling urban areas. Check out this travel guide for tips on great fishing at East Canyon and Echo reservoirs, camping, glamping, bird-watching and even a museum visit or two.

The Amazing Trace: tracking sandhill cranes in Utah

Two sandhill cranes, one with wings spread, in a field in northern Utah Sandhill cranes are elegant, long-lived, form life-long pair bonds and can sustain flight at 20,000 feet. We are truly fortunate to have them in our state.

Cutthroat trout, conservation and wildlife crime stopping

McKay Braley holding a cutthroat trout in a fish trap McKay Braley — who has been with the DWR since 2015 — shares how his passion for outdoors work led from a summer job with the Bear Lake aquatics program to a career as a DWR conservation officer in central Utah.

Fishing and fun in central Utah

Man holding channel catfish from a kayak at Utah Lake Whether you're looking for a quick fishing trip close to a city or a more remote excursion, exploring central Utah — which includes most of Salt Lake, Utah, Summit and Wasatch counties — will be worth your while.

How Utah's fish hatcheries adapt to drought

Drought-ridden Navajo Lake, with a lowered water level, under a cloudy sky Have you seen the impacts of drought at your favorite fishing spot? Drought impacts fish by reducing the amount of water available in lakes, reservoirs and streams throughout the state. These are primary habitats for Utah's fish, and having less water affects fish in multiple ways.

A scenic Scofield getaway

DWR employee casting rainbow trout into Scofield Reservoir Early summer is a great time to experience southeastern Utah before the arid landscape really heats up. Additionally, this area has plenty of recreational opportunities and beautiful places to see. From Scofield Reservoir — for kayaking, fishing and more — to the burgeoning artists' town of Helper, where you can birdwatch along the scenic Riverwalk.

Panguitch Lake break

View of clear water at Panguitch Lake in southern Utah, amid cloudy skies Want to plan a weekend excursion to some of Utah's most beautiful landscapes, complete with great fishing? Look no further! Part of how we work to improve fisheries — and help anglers have a fun and successful experience — is by making sure our waterbodies are great places for anglers to spend time in Utah's outdoors.

Forward-thinking fisheries

Youngster holding several caught fish at Otter Creek Managing fisheries means more than just providing a good fishing experience at an angler's favorite waterbody today — we're proactively planning for years to come.
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