Wildlife news
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Updates on Utah's wildlife from the DWR

Each week the DWR publishes interesting and informative stories about Utah's wildlife. If you want these stories delivered to your inbox just as soon as we publish them, please sign up for our weekly email.

Tips to stay safe around rattlesnakes

Rattlesnakes strike fear in the hearts of some people, but they shouldn't. Knowing a little about how these reptiles behave and doing a few simple things can go a long way in keeping you and the snakes safe.

Don't touch baby deer that you find in the wild

If you hike or camp in an area where deer live in Utah, don't be surprised if you come across a deer fawn, or maybe even an elk calf, during the early summer.

21 waterbodies to check out on Free Fishing Day

If you'd like to catch a fish in Utah's beautiful outdoors — while social distancing, of course — but you don't have a fishing license, Free Fishing Day is the perfect opportunity to give it a try.

Quick links
Lee Kay and Cache Valley Shooting Centers
» Shooting centers
Wildlife Blog: Views from DWR employees
» Wildlife Blog
Report poachers — 1-800-662-3337
» Report poachers
Wildlife dates
» Important dates
Hunter, angler mobile app
Hunter Education: Sign up for classes
» Hunter education