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Updates on Utah's wildlife from the DWR

Each week the DWR publishes interesting and informative stories about Utah's wildlife. If you want these stories delivered to your inbox just as soon as we publish them, please sign up for our weekly email.

DWR again making proactive fish stocking changes to minimize drought impacts

With almost half of Utah still experiencing extreme drought conditions and with Gov. Spencer Cox's recent drought emergency order, the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources has again implemented proactive measures to help minimize drought impacts to Utah's fisheries.

In honor of Earth Day: 5 easy ways you can help wildlife

Utah is home to many wildlife species and spectacular landscapes. Friday is Earth Day, making it a great time to reflect on the ways we can help restore and preserve nature, including wildlife.

3 Utah bird-watching events to check out this spring

Spring is here, which means wildlife migrations are in full swing. Bird-watching is a great opportunity to get outdoors and see a wide variety of wildlife — and enjoy the fun challenge of trying to identify them!

3 bills passed during the 2022 legislative session that hunters should know about

A lot of bills were passed during the 2022 legislative session, and April 1 was the deadline for Gov. Spencer Cox to sign or veto them. Here are three bills that were signed into law this legislative session that impact wildlife and outdoor recreation in Utah that you should know about.

How to stay safe if you encounter a rattlesnake this spring or summer

With the warmer weather, rattlesnakes will begin emerging from their winter dens, and you may encounter one while hiking or spending time outdoors. Rattlesnakes often strike fear in people, but they shouldn't. Knowing a little about how these reptiles behave and doing a few simple things can go a long way in keeping you and the snakes safe.

Where to see migrating loons in Utah in April

An almost mythical bird — built for diving and sporting a haunting voice — stops in northeastern Utah during its spring migration, and April is a great time to see them.

Utah Cutthroat Slam raises $68K for native trout restoration in first 6 years

In its first six years, the Utah Cutthroat Slam has raised over $68,000 for native cutthroat trout restoration. Anyone interested in participating in the fishing challenge can learn more at the upcoming Wasatch Intermountain Fly Tying and Fly Fishing Expo, where there will be a booth about the slam and information during a panel event.

Quick links
Lee Kay and Cache Valley Shooting Centers
» Shooting centers
Wildlife Blog: Views from DWR employees
» Wildlife Blog
Report poachers — 1-800-662-3337
» Report poachers
Wildlife dates
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Hunter, angler mobile app
Hunter Education: Sign up for classes
» Hunter education