Learn more about the program
Dedicated Hunters Dedicated Hunters
Volunteer dedicated hunters shoveling dirt, working on a service project

Learn more about the Dedicated Hunter Program

Dedicated Hunter participants who complete their annual requirements may hunt a designated general season unit during all of its open seasons (archery, muzzleloader and any legal weapon (rifle) hunts), using the appropriate weapon type for each season.

Volunteer dedicated hunters shoveling dirt, working on a service project

Dedicated Hunters participating in a habitat project.

Volunteer dedicated hunters shoveling dirt, working on a service project

Dedicated Hunters working together on a habitat project.

Dedicated Hunters may also participate in the general season extended archery deer hunt (only within the special extended archery area boundary), when available.


Upon joining the Program, a Dedicated Hunter is enrolled for a three-year period and agrees to:

  • Complete 32 service hours of DWR-approved service projects.
  • Harvest no more than two general season deer during the three years in the program (with a maximum of one deer per year).
  • Complete an online conservation and ethics training course.
  • Maintain a current Utah hunting or combination license.
  • Pay the program Certificate of Registration fee.
  • Not obtain any other type of Utah General Season Buck Deer permit while enrolled in the program.



Dedicated Hunters serve through DWR-approved service projects. Many projects will have a wildlife habitat focus, but all forms of wildlife are important and often interconnected, so the DWR often offers a variety of other types of opportunities for service. Habitat projects tend to occur in remote locations. Dedicated Hunters should join the program with the expectation that projects may be two or three hours away from home — and that the travel time to and from a project is not counted toward the service requirement.


Dedicated Hunters who find the most success in the program, visit the service project web page frequently (once or twice each week) and complete their service in the spring, when projects are most abundant.

Due to unexpected life events or situations, some Dedicated Hunters are unable to participate in the program as they had originally intended.

Learn more about withdrawing early from the program.