Annual brine shrimp harvest totals | Great Salt Lake Ecosystem Program
Great Salt Lake Ecosystem Project Great Salt Lake Ecosystem Project
Harvester boat in the Great Salt Lake

Annual brine shrimp harvest totals

Harvester boat in the Great Salt Lake

Year by year totals of shrimp harvested

The following charts show the total pounds of raw biomass harvested each season in both arms of the Great Salt Lake, as reported by the harvest companies. Raw biomass includes cysts, empty shells, brine shrimp, algae and other materials. As per DWR Administrative Rule R657-52-12, harvest seasons usually begin in October and end in January.

The data presented here are from an unpublished internal report by the Division of Wildlife Resources and have not been verified for accuracy.

Harvest year Number of CORs1 Total pounds2
1985—86 N/A 298,035
1986—87 N/A 1,887,300
1987—88 N/A 7,012,775
1988—89 N/A 6,806,415
1989—90 N/A 10,268,232
1990—91 N/A 8,927,818
1991—92 26 13,532,797
1992—93 20 10,172,399
1993—94 18 8,864,092
1994—95 29 6,485,954
1995—96 63 14,749,596
1996—97 79 14,679,498
1997—98 79 6,113,695
1998—99 79 4,606,352
1999—2000 79 2,631,853
2000—01 79 19,963,087
2001—02 79 18,287,569
2002—03 79 25,729,490
2003—04 79 5,007,709
2004—05 79 6,821,167
2005—06 79 9,716,700
2006—07 79 17,344,187
2007—08 79 14,817,210
2008—09 79 19,646,933
2009—10 79 19,830,451
2010—11 79 24,423,031
2011—12 79 20,030,610
2012—13 79 28,825,109
2013—14 79 32,070,464
2014—15 79 26,227,664
2015—16 79 26,505,250
2016—17 79 33,139,017
2017—18 79 35,124,642
2018—19 79 33,444,500
2019—20 79 47,043,796
2020—21 79 27,816,810
2021—22 79 29,494,915
2022—23 79 19,604,959
2023—24 79 28,747,401

1CORs = Certificates of Registration and are analogous to harvesting permits. CORs were not issued until 1991.
2Total pounds of raw biomass harvested as reported by the harvest companies. Raw biomass includes cysts, empty shells, brine shrimp, algae and other material. Yield of dry, processed cysts from the raw biomass varies annually.

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