Wildlife blog
Wildlife blog Wildlife blog

The wonderfully weird world of mollusks

Fatmuckets in sand Have you ever heard of animals named creeping ancylid, sub-globose snake pyrg, button sprite or the sluice snaggletooth? What about the fatmucket, narrow pigtoe or gumboot chiton (aka wandering meatloaf)? These are all mollusks.

A swell day fishing on the San Rafael

Fishing on the San Rafael River It is a scene any tried-and-true angler will find familiar: it's the night before a long-awaited fishing trip and I'm digging through an assortment of tackle boxes, organizing flies and lures, and wondering what offerings will work best. I consider my options and anticipate challenges. What fly should I start with, and what's my backup if plan A fails to produce fish? What critical equipment do I need to make sure to pack?

Where there's a will, there's a way

Lisa and her deer "You are successful." Those long-awaited words were so exciting to read last spring after 10 years of trying to draw a limited-entry buck deer permit in the Book Cliffs. I was in a group with my brother, Corey, and we were both going hunting!

Cutthroat trout and conservation success

Rainbow trout with equipment One of the coolest things about the cutthroat trout conservation project was our extensive partnership. Everyone worked together toward a single, common goal: to conserve Utah's native trout. But we're not the only ones who are excited. Our project has thrilled anglers who love to catch native cutthroat trout in the Logan River drainage. To understand why they're so happy now, it helps to understand how far we've come.

Ice fishing: Moving beyond the basics

Rainbow trout with equipment It's time to gear up for ice-fishing season! If you're serious about ice fishing and want to catch more fish, this post is for you.

Third time's the charm: The story of my first mule deer hunt

Kate posing with deer It was going to be an exciting hunt — my first western big game hunt — but I also felt some pressure. This was one of our last opportunities to really fill the freezer this hunting season.

How to save a condor

Adult condor in flight If you've ever visited or hunted in Utah's Zion country, there's a good chance you've seen a California condor. If so, you know the excitement of seeing one of the world's largest and most endangered birds.

Catch some cash with your fish

Bluegill with tag We're launching a study that will tell us, in addition to fish sizes, population and overall health, how easy it is to catch a fish. And if you help us, there's a chance you'll catch more than a fish!

Flyfishing novice crushes the Utah Cutthroat Slam

Cutthroat trout and fly rod I have registered for and completed the Utah Cutthroat Slam three times, but I've completed it many more times over the past five years just for fun. And not a single one of those completions even compares to the three days this summer when my daughter tackled the slam.

When good algae goes bad

Jordanelle Reservoir with algal bloom Warm weather in the summer months can sometimes cause a harmful algal bloom at your favorite Utah waterbody. Just a few years ago, we rarely heard about these blooms. Now, there are advisories every year. What changed? And how do these blooms affect recreation and fishing?
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