Employee resource guide
Essential information for DWR employees
This guide is a tool for both current and new employees, offering easy access to important information about the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources and its structure, history, procedures and more. Explore the links below to find the resources you need:
General information
- About the DWR: a brief overview and history of the Division
- Regions: descriptions of the five DWR administrative regions
- Sections: descriptions of the parts of the DWR, called sections
- Acronyms & terms: a list of jargon you'll hear and use
- New employee onboarding: learn more about your role, if you are a new employee
- Getting started: here's what's expected of you
- New employee challenge: a checklist of activities to better aquaint you with the DWR and your responsibilities
Helpful links
- DWR fiscal resources: information, instructions and forms related to things like the budget, purchasing, contracts, assigned assets and more (UtahID sign-in required)
- DNR Innerweb: policies, information and resources for DNR/DWR employees (UtahID sign-in and VPN connection required)
- Uniforms: general information, allowance amount, acceptable colors and more (UtahID sign-in required)
- Motorpool: reserve a vehicle
- Lexipol: review and acknowledge DWR and DNR policies
- Utah wildlife calendar: view dates for hunts, draws, events, RAC meetings, etc.
- onX: use of the popular mapping tool is available to current DWR employees
- Payroll: enter your time, view your paycheck, check your leave balances, and more (UtahID sign-in required)
- Travel: information about traveling in and out of state, including important definitions, authorized meal and overnight lodging rates, how to book a flight and more (UtahID sign-in required)
- PEHP: review your health insurance options
- URS/retirement: review your 401(k), pension and other retirement options
- Utah Learning Portal: access training courses for state employees (UtahID sign-in required)
- Physical fitness guidelines for non-law enforcement employees
- Safety newsletter: read tips, best practices and relavant safety information for each season
- Virtual backgrounds: download Utah wildlife-themed background images for your virtual meetings
- DWR media and marketing folder: Need a photo for a report or PowerPoint presentation? Browse our entire publicly accessible photo and video library, containing images of wildlife, hunting, fishing, and much more.
- DWR Style Guide: rules and best practices for preparing public-facing documents and presentations
- DWR Brand Guidelines: instructions for using the Division's logo, branding, colors, etc.
- Brand resources: download DWR logos, email signatures, event signage, fonts, letterhead, templates and zoom backgrounds (UtahID sign-in required)
- DWR GeoHub: find GIS data, resources, maps, apps and support links for GIS and data projects (UtahID sign-in required)