"Wild," a DWR podcast
'Wild' podcast 'Wild' podcast

Episode 32: Checking bear dens

In this episode, DWR Northeastern Region Assistant Wildlife Manager Randall Thacker explains why biologists make the difficult trek out to snowy bear dens early each spring to check on hibernating black bears across the state. He also shares one of his own nerve-wracking experiences of being face to face with a bear.


Episode 31: Fisheries management

In this episode, DWR Fish Culture Coordinator Roger Mellethin and DWR Northern Region Aquatics Manager Chris Penne explain what goes into managing the state's fishing. They talk through the overall process from extracting eggs from wild fish to growing them in fishing hatcheries to eventually stocking the fish. They also explain the management of why we raise and stock the fish species we do and the factors that play into some of those decisions, as well as how the DWR is making proactive changes to address drought impacts on fishing in Utah.


Episode 30: Rattlesnakes of Utah

In this episode, DWR Native Species Coordinator and Herpetologist Drew Dittmer and DWR Wildlife Conservation Biologist Scott Gibson take a serious deep dive talking about Utah rattlesnakes: the myths about them, interesting facts and what you should actually do if you happen to be one of the few who gets bitten by one.


Episode 29: Wildlife tooth fairy

In this episode, DWR Biometrician Heather Bernales explains why the Division requests that hunters send in teeth sometimes from animals they have harvested. She talks about what we do with the teeth, what we learn, and how that helps shape certain wildlife management plans in Utah.


Episode 28: Shooting ranges

In this episode, DWR Hunter Education Program Manager Ralynne Takeda and DWR Wildlife Recreation Coordinator Gary Cook go in-depth about the two public shooting ranges that the Division manages: the Lee Kay Public Shooting Range in Salt Lake City and the Cache Valley Public Shooting Range in Logan. They talk about the amenities at each facility, some unique things that people may not know about the ranges and some of their favorite memories there.


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