At the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, we believe wildlife is valuable to everyone. We serve the people of Utah as trustees and guardians of the state's wildlife, always working to maintain sustainable and diverse populations. Our employees strive for the highest levels of integrity, professionalism, accountability, teamwork and cooperation.
This strategic plan provides our employees with clear direction about who we are, what we do and how we will conduct ourselves. Our director and leadership team prepared this plan to serve as a high-level outline for the agency. All of our programs and workplans should tie into the goals and objectives of this plan and provide demonstrable value to the public.
Serve the people of Utah as trustee and guardian of the state's protected wildlife.
Wildlife is valuable to everyone.
Integrity, professionalism, accountability, teamwork and cooperation.
Agency Goal
Create a workplace culture of inclusion, respect, innovation, efficiency and effectiveness within the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources.
Objective A1
Cultivate teams that set high standards of conduct, while motivating employees to be innovative, efficient and effective.
Objective A2
Foster inclusivity to recruit and retain a diverse workforce of qualified employees.
Objective A3
Build leadership capability and support professional growth through training and education.
Objective A4
Establish priority-driven workplans and employee performance management plans that are measurable and relevant to this strategic plan and that can be accomplished without overextending our personnel and resources.
Objective A5
Improve agency communication, coordination and participation at all levels (between Salt Lake and the regions, among sections and among regions).
Objective A6
Increase our coordination with partners, including local, state and federal agencies, non-governmental organizations, universities, tribal nations and others to accomplish shared goals.
Objective A7
Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of how we collect, manage and use data across the agency.
Constituency Goal
Strengthen support for wildlife management by demonstrating the value and importance of wildlife to all Utahns.
Objective C1
Increase opportunities for and participation in fishing, hunting and other wildlife-related activities.
Objective C2
Ensure a safe recreational experience through proactive education and judicious enforcement of applicable laws.
Objective C3
Increase trust and promote voluntary compliance with wildlife laws by serving the public with integrity, compassion and respect.
Objective C4
Increase understanding of our customers and potential customers and take reasonable steps to address their needs, wishes and priorities.
Objective C5
Improve our understanding of how the broader public views and values wildlife — and how it contributes to their quality of life — and take reasonable steps to address their needs, wishes and priorities.
Objective C6
Increase our efforts to deliver consistent, high-quality customer service.
Objective C7
Increase public understanding and political support for our agency and active wildlife management in Utah.
Objective C8
Simplify content to improve the clarity of our management plans, rules, regulations and guidebooks, where possible.
Resource Goal
Conserve, enhance and actively manage Utah's protected wildlife populations, their habitats and the water resources they rely on, using the best available science.
Objective R1
Increase, decrease or maintain wildlife populations, as needed, to meet the objectives in our management plans.
Objective R2
Maintain existing wildlife habitat and increase the quality of critical habitats and watersheds throughout the state.
Objective R3
Increase our knowledge of crucial wildlife habitats and migration patterns.
Objective R4
Decrease risks to species and their habitats through integrated implementation of the Wildlife Action Plan, species recovery plans, conservation agreements and other management plans (species, AIS, disease, etc.).
Objective R5
Conduct management work to help prevent species of concern from being federally listed as threatened or endangered, and work to delist those species that are currently listed.
Objective R6
Improve public safety by decreasing wildlife-vehicle collisions and dangerous wildlife encounters for people who live, travel and recreate in Utah.
Objective R7
Decrease the number of wildlife-related incidents — including property damage, crop depredation and threatened or endangered species listings — that negatively affect private property owners.