Publications Publications
Hands pulling files out of a file cabinet

DWR publications and papers

Research, plans, studies, papers and various publications from the DWR


Wildlife and habitat

  • Wildlife Action Plan — A plan for managing native wildlife species and their habitats to help prevent listings under the Endangered Species Act. — 2015–2025 (PDF)
  • Implementation of Secretarial Order 3362: Utah Action Plan — A plan for implementing Secretarial Order 3362, signed in 2018 by Dept. of Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, providing funding to wildlife migration projects in Eagle Mountain, the I-80 and I-84 Corridor, the Zion hunt unit and the Paunsaugunt hunt unit. — (PDF)
  • The Power of Proactive Conservation — How recent partnerships and successes are keeping Utah species off the Endangered Species List. — 2018 (PDF)
  • Creating Landscapes for Wildlife — A Utah residents' guide to creating wildlife-friendly backyards. — (PDF)


Aquatic Animal Health and Research Center (formerly Fisheries Experiment Station)


Management plans

Quick links
Wildlife Blog: Views from DWR employees
» Wildlife Blog
Report poachers — 1-800-662-3337
» Report poachers
Wildlife dates
» Important dates
Hunter, angler mobile app