Wildlife blog
Wildlife blog Wildlife blog

All about "the draw" and Utah's big game permit system

Silhouette of a hunter in a field, carrying a rifle We get a lot of questions about why Utah has the hunting permit system that it does. Our in-house expert on the intricacies of the permit system talked with us about some misconceptions — and fixable common mistakes — that we see in the application process.

Winter fun at Steinaker, Starvation and Flaming Gorge reservoirs

Boy holding a trout fish caught at Steinaker Reservoir Everyone is familiar with Utah's iconic shape and the "bite" taken out of the upper-right corner. But have you hooked a bite there while fishing yet? If not, we encourage you to visit Utah's great northeast this winter for ice fishing, outdoor recreation and more.

3 recent cases where DWR K-9 officers made the difference

DWR Officer James Thomas and K-9 Kip When people think of Utah Division of Wildlife Resources conservation officers, K-9 officers may not be the first thing that comes to mind. But in fact, five of DWR's 55 field officers located throughout Utah serve as K-9 officers.

The Amazing Trace: protecting wildlife by using technology

Herd of bighorn sheep; the sheep in front is wearing a GPS tracking collar around its neck With the nearly real-time information provided by geofencing technology, we're able to identify barriers to wildlife migration, monitor access to food resources, track and mitigate disease transmission, investigate causes of death and more.

How old is that fish?

Cross-section of the spine of a five-year-old catfish at Willard Bay Reservoir Have you ever wondered how long it took to grow that big fish you just caught? You're not alone. Fishery biologists are very interested in answering that question too, and we do a lot of work behind the scenes to find the answer.

An East Canyon excursion

Overlooking East Canyon Reservoir, with boaters and anglers in the water There's a ton of fun to be had in northern Utah, both in the beautiful outdoors and in the region's bustling urban areas. Check out this travel guide for tips on great fishing at East Canyon and Echo reservoirs, camping, glamping, bird-watching and even a museum visit or two.

The Amazing Trace: tracking sandhill cranes in Utah

Two sandhill cranes, one with wings spread, in a field in northern Utah Sandhill cranes are elegant, long-lived, form life-long pair bonds and can sustain flight at 20,000 feet. We are truly fortunate to have them in our state.

Cutthroat trout, conservation and wildlife crime stopping

McKay Braley holding a cutthroat trout in a fish trap McKay Braley — who has been with the DWR since 2015 — shares how his passion for outdoors work led from a summer job with the Bear Lake aquatics program to a career as a DWR conservation officer in central Utah.

Fishing and fun in central Utah

Man holding channel catfish from a kayak at Utah Lake Whether you're looking for a quick fishing trip close to a city or a more remote excursion, exploring central Utah — which includes most of Salt Lake, Utah, Summit and Wasatch counties — will be worth your while.
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