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Updates on Utah's wildlife from the DWR

Each week the DWR publishes interesting and informative stories about Utah's wildlife. If you want these stories delivered to your inbox just as soon as we publish them, please sign up for our weekly email.

How to stay safe if you encounter a moose

You are in the middle of a hike to your favorite waterfall. You come around a corner and notice a large moose in the middle of the trail. What should you do? Here are a few things to know about moose in Utah and how to avoid conflicts with them.

Fish for free in Utah on June 11

If you'd like to catch a fish in Utah's beautiful outdoors but you don't have a fishing license, Free Fishing Day is the perfect opportunity to give it a try.

4,496 boats inspected for quagga mussels during Memorial Day weekend

Law enforcement officers and technicians with the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources and other agencies had a busy holiday weekend working to inspect and decontaminate boats across the state. Their efforts focused on preventing the invasive quagga mussels in Lake Powell from spreading to other Utah waterbodies.

Avian flu confirmed in wild birds in 5 more counties in Utah

The first case of avian flu in wild birds was confirmed earlier this month in Cache County, and now the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources has confirmation that the virus is spreading throughout the state after dead birds in five more counties tested positive.

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Lee Kay and Cache Valley Shooting Centers
» Shooting centers
Wildlife Blog: Views from DWR employees
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Report poachers — 1-800-662-3337
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