DWR seeking information after buck deer illegally killed in Rich County
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Illegally killed buck deer

DWR seeking information after buck deer illegally killed in Rich County

Salt Lake City — Utah Division of Wildlife Resources conservation officers are seeking information from the public about a deer that was illegally killed and left to waste in Rich County.

Illegally killed buck deer

On Sept. 4, DWR conservation officers received information about a large buck deer that had been shot and killed in Meadowville. An officer responded to the scene and located the dead buck mule deer. After investigating, the officer determined the deer had been shot with archery equipment, and the hunter had likely been trespassing when the animal was shot and killed.

Anyone with information regarding the illegal killing of this deer, or any other wildlife-related crimes in Utah, is encouraged to report it to DWR conservation officers in one of the following ways:

If you have information about this specific case, you can also contact DWR Conservation Officer Dakota Pray at 385-245-0470. Rewards are available, and requests for confidentiality are respected.

Every year, Utah conservation officers conduct numerous investigations into the illegal killing of wildlife. In 2020, officers confirmed over 1,000 illegally killed animals valued over $387,000.

  • Officer Dakota Pray
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Sgt. Mike Kinghorn
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