Feedback for active committees
Committees Committees
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DWR active committees

For issues that are particularly complex, the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources often works with advisory committees made up of numerous partners and constituents. The following committees are currently active:

Committees can vary in size but are typically diverse, including representatives with differing interests, values and positions on issues. They often include a mix of hunters, anglers and wildlife enthusiasts as well as members from conservation organizations, land-management agencies, the agricultural community, universities, local and state governments, and the general public.

What types of issues do committees address?

The DWR planning processes where committees are typically used include:

  • Statewide species management plans
  • The state wildlife action plan for native species
  • Big game unit management plans
  • Fishery management plans (for some of the larger, most popular fisheries)
  • Habitat management plans for high-interest, DWR-owned lands
  • The revision of administrative rules that govern major management programs

How do committees gather feedback?

Committees sometimes gather information and feedback via public surveys. You can also provide feedback to any active committees by clicking the individual committee links at the top of this page. Each committee has a feedback form that allows you to share your thoughts on the topics they're considering.

What is a committee's role?

Committees work with the DWR in an advisory capacity. Committee members provide information and feedback on management programs and issues and also help the DWR formulate recommendations that will have broad-based support.

While committees provide valuable input, they are not the ultimate decision-makers. The Utah Wildlife Board sets wildlife management policy in the state and maintains the ultimate decision-making authority for most management recommendations where a committee of stakeholders is involved. Decisions that don’t require board approval go through the DWR director for approval.

Quick links
Wildlife Blog: Views from DWR employees
» Wildlife Blog
Report poachers — 1-800-662-3337
» Report poachers
Wildlife dates
» Important dates
Hunter, angler mobile app
Hunter Education: Sign up for classes
» Hunter education
The Natural Resources Map & Bookstore: discover hands-on resources
» DNR Map & Bookstore