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New antlerless hunts in 2024
Record-setting snow and severe conditions in the winter of 2022–23 resulted in decreased winter survival and substantial mule deer population reductions in many parts of northern Utah. At the same time, much of central and southern Utah saw high adult and fawn survival, as well as local deer population growth.
As a result of these conditions, the Utah Wildlife Board approved a reduction of 80 fewer antlerless deer permits for 2024, decreasing from 530 permits to 450 permits. The antlerless deer hunts we are recommending are designed to reduce depredation on private lands, tackle urban deer issues, address chronic wasting disease hotspots and help slow the decline of range conditions.
Statewide, elk populations declined slightly last year. Antlerless permits are still needed to keep elk populations within their management objectives. The board approved an increased number of permits for doe pronghorn (from 155 to 210) in 2024.
The board approved the following new antlerless hunts for 2024:
New antlerless elk hunts
- EA1266 — Box Elder, Hansel Mtn (any legal weapon)
- EA1267 — Cache (any legal weapon)
- EA1268 — North Slope, Summit (archery)
- EA1269 — Ogden (excludes Hyrum, any legal weapon)
- EA1106 — Wasatch Mtns, Avintaquin (any legal weapon)
- EA1264 — Wasatch Mtns, Rabbit Gulch (any legal weapon)
- EA1265 — Wasatch Mtns, Tabby Mtn (any legal weapon)