Ute Indian Tribe resolution regarding wolves
Wolves Wolves

Ute Indian Tribe resolution regarding wolves

Resolution No. 03.036

WHEREAS, in considering any proposal or plan to reintroduce wolves into the State of Utah or to establish additional recovery areas within the State of Utah, the United States Fish & Wildlife Service is legally obligated to fully consult with the Tribe from the initiation of any consideration of such an effort, to assure full participation by the Tribe in any such effort and to assure that any such proposal or plan is consistent with the land use and wildlife mangement policies of the Tribe;

WHEREAS, the reintroduction of wolves or the establishment of additional recovery areas within the State of Utah will directly and detrimentally impact the Tribe's wildlife management efforts, wildlife populations on the Reservation, the game available to tribal members for subsistence hunting, and the Tribe's livestock and ranching industry and the economy dependent upon those resources, and,

WHEREAS, the Tribe finds that the efforts of the state of Utah 1) encouraging the de-listing of wolves as a result of the success of the recovery effort in the states of Idaho, Montana and Wyoming, 2) to prevent the establishment of additional reocvery areas within the State, 3) to develop a wolf managemeant plan consistent with the Tribe's wildlife management objectives and, 4) to develop a fund to fully compensate landowners for losses resulting from depredations to livestock by wolves, are consitent with the Tibe's wildlife mangement policies and goals.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE UINTAH AND OURAY TRIBAL BUSINESS COMMITTEE OF THE UTE INDIAN TRIBE that the Ute Indian Tribe, through its Fish & Wildlife Department, will work cooperatively with the State of Utah in opposition to proposals to reintroduce wolves or establish new wolf recovery areas within the State of Utah and particularly within areas encompassed by the Uintah and Ouray Reservation.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Tribe, through it's Fish & Wildlife Department, will work cooperatively with the State of Utah in the drafting of a wolf mangagement plan, management of predatory species and management of protected wildlife.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Tribe encourages the United States Fish & Wildlife Service to reject any request to establish additional wolf recovery areas within the State of Utah, particularly areas encompassed by the Uintah and Ouray Reservation.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Tribe encourages the United States Fish & Wildlife Service to undertake its legal obligation to fully consult with the Tribe on any proposal to reintroduce wolves or to establish wolf recovery areas in the State of Utah and to coordinate any such efforts with the Tribe's land use and wildlife management policies.

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the Chairman or in his absence the Vice-Chair is authorized to undertake actions necessary to implement this resolution and tdhat copies be sent to the United States Fish & Wildlife Service, the Utah Wildlife Board, the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, members of the Utah congressional delegation, the Secretary of the Interior and the Superintendent of the Uintah and Ouray Agency.

D. Floyd Wopsock, Sr., Chairman
Roseline B. Taveapont, Vice-Chair
T. Smiley Arrowchis, Member
Luke J. Duncan, Member
O. Roland McCook, Sr., Member
Ronald J. Wopsock, Member

CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the above resolution was adopted by the Uintah and Ouray Tribal Business Committee under authority of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Ute Indian Tribe at a meeting held in Fort Duchesne, Utah on the 5th day of March, 2003, at which time a quorum was present and 6 voted FOR and 0 AGAINST, with 0 ABSTAINING and 0 ABSENT.

Dana West, Secretary
Uintah and Ouray Tribal Business Committee

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