A busy time of year
How law enforcement officers spend their time during the hunting season
By Wyatt Bubak
Statewide training lieutenant
Most of the major 2018 general-season big game hunts are winding down now, but officers with the Division of Wildlife Resources continue to work tirelessly to protect the investment of Utah sportsmen by enforcing state wildlife law.
Here's a snapshot of what law enforcement staff accomplished between September 1 and October 31.
We want to thank you — citizens of Utah — for taking the time to report suspected violations. We rely heavily upon the recreating public to act as our eyes and ears. Without you, we could not effectively protect the public's wildlife resources. As always, members of the public who see a wildlife violation are encouraged to take a stand to protect their wildlife heritage by contacting the Utah Turn in a Poacher (UTiP) Hotline at 1-800-662-3337.