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Updates on Utah's wildlife from the DWR

Each week the DWR publishes interesting and informative stories about Utah's wildlife. If you want these stories delivered to your inbox just as soon as we publish them, please sign up for our weekly email.

Want to see sandhill cranes? Attend 2 upcoming DWR events

Each fall, bird-watchers travel to western states to see sandhill cranes in the wild, but if you live near a field in the Uintah Basin, you're no stranger to the loud, rattling call of these large migratory birds. If you have never seen or heard one up close, your opportunity is coming up!

Shoot for free at 2 DWR ranges on National Hunting and Fishing Day

Do you have a current Utah hunting, fishing or combination license? If so, you can visit either of the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources public shooting ranges on Saturday, Sept. 23 and shoot for free on National Hunting and Fishing Day.

Nearly 4,300 boats inspected for quagga mussels during Labor Day weekend

Law enforcement officers and technicians with the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources and other agencies were hard at work over the holiday weekend, inspecting and decontaminating watercraft to prevent the spread of invasive quagga mussels.

Where you can see bright red kokanee salmon in Utah this fall

Autumn brings a lot of beautiful colors to Utah's landscape, and driving to see the leaves change color is a popular activity for many locals. However, trees aren't the only things that turn a brilliant shade of red in the fall in Utah — kokanee salmon do as well.

Tips to stay safe when recreating around mountain goats

In light of several recent reports of dogs being gored and killed by mountain goats on Mount Timpanogos, the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources wants to remind the public of some important safety tips when recreating around mountain goats and other wildlife.

Quick links
Lee Kay and Cache Valley Shooting Centers
» Shooting centers
Wildlife Blog: Views from DWR employees
» Wildlife Blog
Report poachers — 1-800-662-3337
» Report poachers
Wildlife dates
» Important dates
Hunter, angler mobile app
Hunter Education: Sign up for classes
» Hunter education
The Natural Resources Map & Bookstore: discover hands-on resources
» DNR Map & Bookstore