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Updates on Utah's wildlife from the DWR

Each week the DWR publishes interesting and informative stories about Utah's wildlife. If you want these stories delivered to your inbox just as soon as we publish them, please sign up for our weekly email.

Tips for stream, river fishing in Utah this summer

While there are a lot of great reservoirs and ponds where you can fish in Utah, the Beehive State also offers some excellent stream and river fishing. If you are planning any stream or river fishing this summer, here are a few things to know.

How to avoid conflicts with bison at Antelope Island State Park

With summer in full swing, many Utahns are heading to the outdoors for recreation. While you are hiking or camping this year, particularly on Antelope Island, there are some important safety tips you should keep in mind if you encounter a bison.

Tips to keep deer out of your garden this summer

Despite the abundant snowfall this past winter, which has helped increase vegetation in some areas of Utah, wildlife may still migrate into neighborhoods this summer in search of food and water. Whether you want to keep the deer from eating all your garden vegetables and flowers or you're interested in ways to help wildlife this summer, here are a few things you should know.

Tips to stay safe if you encounter a moose in Utah

You are in the middle of a hike to your favorite waterfall. You come around a corner and notice a large moose in the middle of the trail. What should you do? Here are a few things to know about moose in Utah and how to avoid conflicts with them if you happen to encounter one.

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