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Updates on Utah's wildlife from the DWR

Each week the DWR publishes interesting and informative stories about Utah's wildlife. If you want these stories delivered to your inbox just as soon as we publish them, please sign up for our weekly email.

Learn about bear safety at Hardware Wildlife Education Center exhibit

With the weather warming up across the state, black bears will soon begin leaving their dens. You can learn more about black bears — and how to stay safe while camping and hiking this summer — at the Hardware Wildlife Education Center.

Record 1,779 big game animals assessed, GPS collared during winter captures

Each year, the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources captures big game animals to perform important health assessments and to place GPS collars on the animals to learn more about their migration patterns and survival rates. This winter, a record 1,779 big game animals were captured, providing important data about big game herds across the state.

DWR hosting first desert tortoise viewing event

Spring is a great time to visit southern Utah, especially with the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources hosting its first-ever desert tortoise viewing event!

DWR confirms beavers killed by disease; urges public to report any dead beavers

Nine beavers were found dead over the last few weeks in Summit, Wasatch and Utah counties. Three were tested and found to be positive for a disease called tularemia, which can also affect humans. The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources is asking the public to take caution by not touching the animals and to report any dead beavers to DWR officials.

Come see great blue herons in the wild at upcoming DWR event

Great blue herons are large, unique birds, and if you've ever wanted to see them in the wild, you should have a good opportunity at an upcoming Utah Division of Wildlife Resources viewing event.

Found a baby bird on the ground? Here's what to do

It's a beautiful spring day, so you decide to go for a nice walk around your neighborhood. You are strolling along the sidewalk when suddenly you hear loud chirping near your feet. You look over and see a baby bird lying on the ground near a tree trunk. What should you do?

Quick links
Lee Kay and Cache Valley Shooting Centers
» Shooting centers
Wildlife Blog: Views from DWR employees
» Wildlife Blog
Report poachers — 1-800-662-3337
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Wildlife dates
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Hunter Education: Sign up for classes
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The Natural Resources Map & Bookstore: discover hands-on resources
» DNR Map & Bookstore