Coyote check-in locations and times
Coyotes Coyotes
DWR employee inspecting coyote jaw

Coyote check-in locations and times

Coyote check-ins and reimbursements will occur throughout the year, as long as funding remains available. This schedule will be updated monthly.

  1. You must complete the online training and registration course before you submit coyotes for reimbursement.
  2. If you need to store coyotes before submitting them for reimbursement, the DWR requires you to use one of the following methods:
    • The best method is to store them in a plastic ziplock bag placed in a freezer. The jaw (at least the front two-thirds of the jaw) and scalp (with both ears attached), however, must be sufficiently thawed so the ears can be notched and a tooth can be removed at the reimbursement location. Before freezing an entire head, place something in the mouth to keep the jaws open completely.
    • If you don't have a freezer available, place the scalp or pelt and the lower jaw into a paper bag (not a plastic bag) to allow it to dry. Please do not salt or bake jaws.

      Important: On the outside of the bag or on a tag attached to each coyote, please write the number that corresponds to the recorded GPS locations and dates killed on the compensation form. Frozen, rotted or unlabeled samples cannot be processed and may be rejected for payment. You are responsible for properly disposing of carcasses.

  3. You must bring proof that you completed the online registration and training course and submitted a photo of your coyote and the GPS location of where the coyote was taken through the Utah Coyote Bounty Reporter (Survey123) app.
  4. If you do not bring all of the required materials, you will not be reimbursed.

Payments can take up to six weeks to arrive. We process thousands of coyotes at check-ins during fall and winter, and we reimburse hunters as quickly as possible.

Upcoming check-in dates

Check-ins will take place only at the times and locations listed below, and most locations require scheduled appointments during the listed times. Please read each regional description below for more information, and contact the appropriate region, office or listed phone number as needed. If you have any questions, please call 435-703-1876.

Central Region

By appointment only. To make an appointment in the Central Region, call 385-505-7530.

City Date(s) Time(s) Address Phone Number
Grantsville (Tooele)
(By appointment only. Please call for available times and to make an appointment.)
April 15 11:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. Deseret Peak Complex
2930 UT-112
Grantsville, UT 84029

(directions upon appointment)
(By appointment only. Please call for available times and to make an appointment.)
April 18 10:00–11:00 a.m. Juab County Fairgrounds
400 W. Center St.
Nephi, UT 84648
Salt Lake City
(By appointment only. Please call for available times and to make an appointment.)
April 7 8:30 a.m.–2:30 p.m. Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
Salt Lake Office
1594 W. North Temple
Salt Lake City, UT 84116
(By appointment only. Please call for available times and to make an appointment.)
April 17 9:30–10:30 a.m. Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
Central Region Office
1115 N. Main St.
Springville, UT 84663
Northern Region

Check-in available upon request. To make an appointment in the Northern Region, call the Ogden office at 801-476-2740.

City Date(s) Time(s) Address Phone Number
Southern Region

For additional information about St. George, Enterprise, Cedar City or Kanab, call 435-691-3257 or 435-865-6100. For Beaver, Panguitch, Fillmore or Delta, call 435-868-8286 or 435-865-6100. For Richfield or Loa, call 435-572-5750 or 435-865-6100.

City Date(s) Time(s) Address Phone Number
Southeastern Region

For appointments in the Moab, Monticello and Blanding areas, call 435-630-4358. For Green River, Price and Castle Dale, please call 435-820-6021.

City Date(s) Time(s) Address Phone Number
Castle Dale April 16 4:00–6:00 p.m. 100 N. 100 East
Castle Dale, UT 84513

(park pavilion behind the Utah DMV Castle Dale Office)
Green River April 2 4:00–6:00 p.m. Green River City Office
460 E. Main St.
Green River, UT 84525
Monticello March 26 3:00–5:00 p.m. UDOT Maintenance Station
697 E. US-491
Monticello, UT 84535
Price April 9 & 23 4:00–6:00 p.m. Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
Southeastern Region Office
319 N. Carbonville Road
Price, UT 84501
Northeastern Region

By appointment only. To make an appointment in the Northeastern Region, call 435-781-9453.

City Date(s) Time(s) Address Phone Number
(By appointment only. Please call for available times and to make an appointment.)
April 8 6:00–7:00 p.m. Vernal Game Farm
3140 S. 500 West
Vernal, UT 84078
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