Learn to fish series

Learn to fish series

  • Learn to fish: basic equipment

    Assortment of fishing equipment, including a rod, reel and lures For many anglers, selecting, organizing and using fishing gear is almost as fun and interesting as actually catching fish! But for beginners, it may feel hard to know where to start and what to buy.
  • Learn to fish: casting line and catching fish

    Boy holding a fish caught at Gigliotti Pond Understanding a few basic techniques will help you be successful casting a line, figuring out if you have a fish on the hook, reeling it in and what to do once you've got a fish in your net.
  • Learn to fish: lure and bait selection

    Various multicolored soft fish baits in a box Why are there so many different types of flies, lures and bait? To help narrow down some choices that will help beginner anglers get started, we'll cover a few of the basics that usually work well for catching common Utah fish species.
  • Learn to fish: planning ahead for success

    Man with a fishing pole, casting a line in a pond, under a cloudy sky with a rainbow There's no wrong way to plan for a fishing trip, but there are lots of good ways to get started. Some anglers collect the most basic information and then head out to explore. Others like to spend a significant amount of time researching their trip to determine the best location, prime species, popular lures, etc. Let's cover some basic tools to help you plan your fishing trip.
  • Learn to fish: tying the knot

    Hand holding a caught white bass with a knot in the reel Despite their importance, knots are often neglected by anglers. Learning to tie strong, reliable knots can help you land more fish.
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