33 Salt Creek WMA


The area includes all accessible sites within the Salt Creek WMA with emphasis on the impoundments. An area count is included. This site is managed by UDWR.

Primary Habitat

Salt Water  Fresh Water Saltwater Shorelines, Beaches and Playas Freshwater Shorelines Saltwater-Freshwater Interface Rocky Shorelines and Levees Freshwater Wetlands Salt Marsh Lakeside Uplands Wet Meadow & Flooded Pastures Riparian Systems Great Salt Lake Islands

Area Size (ha)


Estimated Area Covered by Survey (ha)


Years Surveyed


Detection Rates

Detection rate for larger shorebirds is 99% (dowitchers, stilts, avocets). Tall vegetation is a barrier however. Of total WMA, 35% is surveyed, but 55% is good waterbird habitat.

Site Bird Data

Species Mean Peak     Species Mean Peak
AGWT 2343.6 3818.8 GTBH 9.0 22.0
AMAV 502.1 927.2 KILL 4.9 19.2
AMCO 245.3 960.3 LBCU 1.1 4.0
AMWI 222.0 567.5 LBDO 7.8 278.0
AWPE 92.2 187.4 LESA 0.0 0.0
BASA 0.0 0.0 LESC 16.3 37.0
BBPL 0.0 0.0 LEYE 9.2 55.5
BCNH 5.1 15.8 MAGO 0.9 63.0
BLTE 0.2 1.0 MALL 950.1 1373.4
BNST 284.7 577.0 NOPI 4977.9 7238.0
BUFF 4.1 11.7 NSHO 463.7 714.8
BWTE 173.4 867.0 PBGR 3.6 9.5
CAEG 0.1 0.8 RBGU 24.6 52.0
CAGO 301.3 819.8 REDH 40.2 116.8
CAGU 146.4 499.0 RPHA 7.3 16.7
CANV 3.0 42.3 RUDU 29.1 167.8
CATE 0.0 0.8 SACR 24.2 66.8
CITE 445.2 689.3 SAND 0.0 0.6
CLGR 1.1 4.5 SNEG 32.0 43.0
COGO 0.0 0.0 SNPL 0.0 0.0
DCCO 9.4 27.5 SPSA 0.7 3.8
EAGR 0.7 31.7 WEGR 6.0 14.8
FOTE 6.0 20.8 WESA 3.6 6.8
FRGU 26.2 125.0 WFIB 664.0 1304.2
GADW 437.1 633.8 WILL 6.3 13.5
GRYE 8.3 32.4 WIPH 61.3 242.8