28 Willard Spur


This area is bounded by emergent marsh or sandbar fringe on the north, the Willard Bay reservoir dike on the east, the North Harold Crane dike and emergent marsh on the south, and a line from the northwest corner of GSL Minerals Company north to the mud bar spit on the west. It is surveyed from an airplane in four transects running in an east-west orientation. In 1997, this area was surveyed on the ground by airboat. The area is managed by USFWS.

Primary Habitat

Salt Water  Fresh Water Saltwater Shorelines, Beaches and Playas Freshwater Shorelines Saltwater-Freshwater Interface Rocky Shorelines and Levees Freshwater Wetlands Salt Marsh Lakeside Uplands Wet Meadow & Flooded Pastures Riparian Systems Great Salt Lake Islands

Area Size (ha)


Estimated Area Covered by Survey (ha)


Years Surveyed


Detection Rates

Because this area is rich in numbers and diversity of species, it is difficult to count and identify birds while flying at speeds of 80+ mph. It is also very difficult to see small birds. Survey accuracy in this important area is not good. An observer counts out 1/8 mile on either side of the plane. Four transects were surveyed and data were extrapolated to reflect total coverage. Due to high variability in habitat types within each transect, this extrapolation is not a good technique. The true birds/ha is most likely much greater that the data listed here.

Site Bird Data

Species Mean Peak     Species Mean Peak
AGWT 2538.4 5099.0 GTBH 18.9 57.8
AMAV 2032.8 3547.0 KILL 0.0 0.0
AMCO 1773.4 3995.6 LBCU 0.0 0.0
AMWI 54.4 468.0 LBDO 1994.5 4382.4
AWPE 2877.8 3938.2 LESA 0.0 0.0
BASA 0.0 10.0 LESC 11.1 19.3
BBPL 0.0 0.0 LEYE 0.0 0.0
BCNH 5.3 21.3 MAGO 1269.9 1560.2
BLTE 3.5 34.3 MALL 469.5 1161.4
BNST 528.6 1038.8 NOPI 2733.2 3753.6
BUFF 9.3 43.7 NSHO 1349.5 2377.8
BWTE 0.0 1.0 PBGR 0.0 0.2
CAEG 5.0 41.5 RBGU 164.2 287.4
CAGO 174.0 533.8 REDH 458.1 1391.8
CAGU 316.5 541.8 RPHA 0.0 10.0
CANV 87.3 369.3 RUDU 773.7 1493.3
CATE 8.5 23.0 SACR 0.2 1.0
CITE 81.3 290.0 SAND 0.2 1.0
CLGR 0.0 0.0 SNEG 187.5 368.4
COGO 3.3 16.3 SNPL 0.0 0.0
DCCO 51.5 110.6 SPSA 0.0 0.0
EAGR 64.1 1285.0 WEGR 167.2 266.0
FOTE 168.4 337.8 WESA 2.0 12.0
FRGU 300.5 2305.3 WFIB 1762.3 3592.5
GADW 522.3 737.0 WILL 9.0 33.3
GRYE 0.2 4.0 WIPH 1151.4 4210.3