19 Howard Slough


Howard Slough WMA consists of three sections: shoreline, dike, and ponds. The shoreline section (19a) extends between the northern Antelope Island causeway and the southernmost Howard Slough WMA dike. It includes two point samples. In 1997, one point was designated in a drainage and the other randomly selected. During the following four years both points were classified as randomly selected. The dike section (19b) is a total count survey of a section of Great Salt Lake shoreline west of the WMA dikes. It is bounded between the north end of 19a and the south fork of the Weber River on the Ogden Bay WMA. The pond section (19c) is an area count and consists of the drivable impoundments in Howard Slough WMA. This section was included as part of the Ogden Bay WMA survey in 1997.

Primary Habitat

Salt Water  Fresh Water Saltwater Shorelines, Beaches and Playas Freshwater Shorelines Saltwater-Freshwater Interface Rocky Shorelines and Levees Freshwater Wetlands Salt Marsh Lakeside Uplands Wet Meadow & Flooded Pastures Riparian Systems Great Salt Lake Islands

Area Size (ha)

19a = 300.4
19b = 394.2
19c = 569.3

Estimated Area Covered by Survey (ha)

19a = 300.4
19b = 335.1
19c = 483.9

Years Surveyed


Detection Rates

Restricted access on the mudflat beach and on the WMA dikes makes viewing distances greater. Due to extreme distances, bird identification and counts may be compromised.

Site Bird Data (19a)

Species Mean Peak     Species Mean Peak
AGWT 39.3 139.0 GTBH 1.0 3.3
AMAV 1661.3 4476.0 KILL 2.0 15.0
AMCO 3.4 25.7 LBCU 0.7 4.0
AMWI 0.0 2.3 LBDO 0.2 52.0
AWPE 2.3 29.0 LESA 0.0 2.8
BASA 0.0 0.0 LESC 4.5 16.8
BBPL 122.5 435.0 LEYE 0.1 1.8
BCNH 0.3 1.3 MAGO 0.5 2.3
BLTE 0.2 1.0 MALL 0.3 4.0
BNST 183.4 445.5 NOPI 61.3 143.0
BUFF 0.2 0.7 NSHO 568.4 1051.3
BWTE 1.9 5.8 PBGR 0.0 0.7
CAEG 0.0 0.3 RBGU 957.9 1114.4
CAGO 60.2 177.6 REDH 0.3 16.8
CAGU 441.7 2434.7 RPHA 0.0 0.0
CANV 0.3 1.3 RUDU 4.7 19.8
CATE 0.0 0.7 SACR 0.4 2.0
CITE 27.3 98.5 SAND 0.0 82.0
CLGR 0.0 0.0 SNEG 0.4 2.4
COGO 0.0 0.0 SNPL 0.0 0.0
DCCO 0.6 5.0 SPSA 0.0 0.2
EAGR 119.3 1541.7 WEGR 0.0 0.3
FOTE 0.3 3.0 WESA 8.1 43.7
FRGU 6621.2 21437.3 WFIB 47.5 131.8
GADW 11.3 48.0 WILL 45.3 119.7
GRYE 0.3 2.0 WIPH 296.3 1500.0

Site Bird Data (19b)

Species Mean Peak     Species Mean Peak
AGWT 111.0 367.8 GTBH 1.6 5.3
AMAV 1867.5 5299.3 KILL 0.9 6.8
AMCO 1.8 159.5 LBCU 1.0 2.0
AMWI 0.3 2.8 LBDO 0.3 31.3
AWPE 46.4 117.8 LESA 0.0 0.5
BASA 0.1 41.7 LESC 33.0 106.0
BBPL 26.7 100.3 LEYE 0.2 1.4
BCNH 0.5 4.5 MAGO 0.7 4.0
BLTE 0.0 0.0 MALL 40.8 163.3
BNST 185.8 561.0 NOPI 41.9 130.8
BUFF 0.0 0.0 NSHO 460.0 1489.3
BWTE 4.5 19.3 PBGR 96.0 480.0
CAEG 0.0 0.0 RBGU 1675.5 3404.3
CAGO 89.4 280.0 REDH 4.2 141.4
CAGU 1641.3 4517.8 RPHA 17.6 54.0
CANV 0.6 2.0 RUDU 3.8 26.8
CATE 0.5 1.8 SACR 0.5 4.5
CITE 18.2 57.5 SAND 0.7 2.3
CLGR 0.0 0.0 SNEG 0.7 2.7
COGO 0.4 1.0 SNPL 0.3 2.6
DCCO 5.4 23.0 SPSA 0.4 1.8
EAGR 296.5 1289.0 WEGR 0.2 1.0
FOTE 2.4 10.0 WESA 0.0 1.8
FRGU 4227.3 8740.0 WFIB 55.7 117.2
GADW 5.0 32.7 WILL 45.1 125.2
GRYE 0.0 0.3 WIPH 808.7 2878.0

Site Bird Data (19c)

Species Mean Peak     Species Mean Peak
AGWT 811.5 1521.8 GTBH 11.6 21.4
AMAV 718.7 1536.6 KILL 3.8 8.8
AMCO 371.7 1308.4 LBCU 3.9 9.3
AMWI 111.2 524.4 LBDO 61.7 129.6
AWPE 47.6 186.0 LESA 0.6 44.0
BASA 0.0 1.7 LESC 552.8 987.0
BBPL 12.1 57.0 LEYE 2.4 13.8
BCNH 6.2 10.6 MAGO 2.2 85.5
BLTE 0.2 2.5 MALL 308.1 682.0
BNST 167.0 320.2 NOPI 876.8 2819.0
BUFF 2.2 8.3 NSHO 1139.2 4253.2
BWTE 2.5 23.3 PBGR 15.7 26.2
CAEG 1.7 10.2 RBGU 285.9 438.2
CAGO 99.1 160.4 REDH 71.3 313.3
CAGU 400.6 1225.8 RPHA 0.1 237.5
CANV 0.3 21.0 RUDU 159.6 941.5
CATE 0.4 2.4 SACR 5.6 17.0
CITE 550.2 924.6 SAND 0.0 0.0
CLGR 0.3 2.0 SNEG 12.9 30.8
COGO 1.1 5.0 SNPL 0.1 1.0
DCCO 9.0 29.7 SPSA 1.3 2.5
EAGR 11.3 513.8 WEGR 3.4 11.0
FOTE 8.2 24.3 WESA 1.4 8.6
FRGU 440.0 1443.5 WFIB 226.6 345.0
GADW 403.5 1262.8 WILL 11.4 37.2
GRYE 2.8 14.2 WIPH 280.1 1000.6