1 Timpie Springs WMA


This small, UDWR managed, wetland complex is surveyed from a vehicle on dike roads. The area was treated as a total count, recording all birds within the peripheral and internal dike systems.

Primary Habitat

Salt Water  Fresh Water Saltwater Shorelines, Beaches and Playas Freshwater Shorelines Saltwater-Freshwater Interface Rocky Shorelines and Levees Freshwater Wetlands Salt Marsh Lakeside Uplands Wet Meadow & Flooded Pastures Riparian Systems Great Salt Lake Islands

Area Size (ha)


Estimated Area Covered by Survey (ha)


Years Surveyed


Detection Rates

Visibility is generally unobstructed. Some corners of the ponds are difficult to see. Vegetation beyond ponds can flood and subsequently be used by waterbirds. Viewing birds in these areas can be difficult.

Site Bird Data

Species Mean Peak     Species Mean Peak
AGWT 6.4 83.0 GTBH 3.7 7.8
AMAV 87.2 237.8 KILL 1.9 6.4
AMCO 211.9 1232.8 LBCU 0.1 1.4
AMWI 6.0 30.0 LBDO 0.3 2.3
AWPE 5.3 6.3 LESA 1.1 6.0
BASA 0.3 1.6 LESC 6.3 14.7
BBPL 0.0 1.3 LEYE 0.9 8.2
BCNH 3.1 9.3 MAGO 0.4 1.0
BLTE 0.0 0.0 MALL 40.2 83.0
BNST 25.7 153.5 NOPI 103.1 261.5
BUFF 0.6 1.7 NSHO 6.9 30.0
BWTE 1.7 6.0 PBGR 0.5 1.0
CAEG 0.0 0.0 RBGU 0.5 59.5
CAGO 17.6 61.2 REDH 10.8 28.4
CAGU 112.5 619.0 RPHA 10.6 41.0
CANV 0.1 4.0 RUDU 1.8 2.8
CATE 1.2 10.0 SACR 0.2 1.0
CITE 1.5 46.3 SAND 12.0 50.0
CLGR 0.0 0.3 SNEG 1.6 4.0
COGO 0.4 0.8 SNPL 1.1 4.3
DCCO 0.3 1.8 SPSA 1.2 3.3
EAGR 0.2 26.0 WEGR 0.1 0.5
FOTE 4.5 13.8 WESA 0.2 1.0
FRGU 0.0 2.0 WFIB 13.7 21.8
GADW 18.3 90.6 WILL 9.0 13.6
GRYE 2.3 23.8 WIPH 5.5 48.0