Wildlife blog
Wildlife blog Wildlife blog

Speed trap: Capturing pronghorn for conservation

DWR employees standing behind a herd of pronghorn at Parker Mountain, hazing them toward a netted trap In January 2025, the DWR teamed up with researchers from Brigham Young University to trap hundreds of pronghorn at Parker Mountain and translocate them to management units all over Utah.

Learn to fish: tying the knot

Hand holding a caught white bass with a knot in the reel Despite their importance, knots are often neglected by anglers. Learning to tie strong, reliable knots can help you land more fish.

Chasing Bonneville whitefish

Hand holding a caught Bonneville whitefish at crystal-clear Bear Lake in the winter Known for their hard fight and tasty white flesh, Bonneville whitefish offer a remarkable winter angling experience that's worth the cold. Here's everything you need to know to make the most of this exciting season at Bear Lake.

Chronic wasting disease FAQs

Droopy-eyed buck deer, infected with chronic wasting disease, crouched in a green field Many people are concerned about CWD impacts on Utah's wildlife, if and how it can be transmitted to humans, and want to know more about what the DWR is doing to control CWD.

Learn to hunt: muzzleloaders

Female hunter with muzzleloader and gear walks in the forest Whether you have never hunted at all, or are an experienced rifle hunter looking for earlier season hunting opportunities, learning the unique skill set of muzzleloader hunting can be a fun and rewarding challenge.

The not-so-simple definition of species

Two green sucker fish swimming in a tank What is a species? It seems like a straightforward question, right? Unfortunately, defining what makes a group of animals a distinct species is actually far more complicated than it would appear on the outside. Sometimes, new information requires us to reconsider what we know about species.

Wildlife-friendly fences

Wildlife-friendly fence at the Coldwater Canyon WMA, with properly spaced barbed wire and metal posts As our cities and suburbs expand into previously undeveloped areas, our structures, roads and other barriers — including fences — can act as an unintentional but often fatal restriction for many wildlife species.

How to catch panfish

Two young girls, each holding a small, caught panfish in a fishing boat Summertime in Utah means warming waters and active panfish! Panfish are fun fishing for anglers of all ages and abilities.

How to clean and prepare catfish

Michael Packer holding a caught catfish Catfish are fun to catch and make for a delicious meal. But they need a few extra steps — and a couple of inexpensive specialized tools — to get them from the lake to your plate. Here's a step-by-step guide to getting the most out of your catch.
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